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Prestige ER Featured on

Prestige ER Building Front Desk

Prestige ER has been favorably mentioned in an article on the My San Antonio blog. With the headline being: “The future of emergency care is here”, the post is a ringing endorsement of the cutting edge and revolutionary nature of the services you can expect to receive at Prestige Emergency Rooms. Among other things, the…

My Emergency, My Choice.

My Emergency Choice Texas - Image

Prestige Emergency Rooms supports My Emergency, My Choice, an initiative fighting for the rights of individuals to choose superior emergency care. According to a statement on their home page: “We are a group of concerned Texans, made up of patients, physicians, nurses, billing specialists, and health insurance holders – just like you – tired of…

Welcome to Our New Site!

Welcome to our New Website! Image

We’re happy to introduce the new Prestige ER website! We wanted to offer our visitors and clients a site that provides accessible information on the healthcare industry while providing a breakdown of our particular services and products. We’ve worked hard on this website and we hope you appreciate it as much as we do. Please…