Reading & Interpreting Your Liver Function Test
Tests for liver function involve testing the blood to diagnose liver diseases and determine how well the liver carries out its normal functions. Some tests will measure the level of specific proteins in your blood. Others will check for the presence and amount of enzymes produced by liver cells in response to disease or damage….
Top 5 Most Common Reasons to Visit the Emergency Room in San Antonio
It is not uncommon for people to seek medical attention for ER services. In fact, approximately 124 million people visit emergency clinics in the United States each year for various reasons. Prestige Emergency Room offers full-service emergency care 24/7, 365 days a year, for patients around the San Antonio area. For the 5 most common…
Where Can I Find an Abdominal Ultrasound in San Antonio?
Abdominal ultrasounds are one of the safest and least intrusive ways for doctors to see what’s going on in your body. Contrary to what you may think, ultrasounds aren’t just used to look into the uteruses of pregnant women; this simple medical procedure can be done on virtually anyone. It’s also easy to find a…